Welcome to the Move Microsite
Welcome to the Stoke-on-Trent City Archives move microsite - and blog! - where we'll be keeping you up-to-date as we pack up and head over to our new home in The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery. A move of this scale is naturally going to be a little disruptive and so there'll be times when our Reading Room will operate different opening hours to normal or be closed completely. Access to our archive and local studies collections will also be affected, but we'll try our best to minimise this as much as we can.
We've therefore set up this temporary microsite to help communicate these various changes to our service during the move, and to share some behind-the-scenes snapshots of what a move like this entails and how it's going. The home page will always tell you our current status at a glance but you can also pop over to this blog if you'd like to know a bit more. There's also the option to subscribe via e-mail using the link below (or the one on the homepage), which will notify you when any new blog posts go live or changes to our current status are made.
We hope you find the new microsite helpful and easy to use; we're looking forward to sharing more move updates with you very soon!
Posted on 9th November, 2022